A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the then upcoming Charles R. Rubado Memorial Gold Tournament. Well, the tournament has come and gone, and so I thought I'd share the details of the day's events.
The same artist also unveiled a new piece, inspired by Charlie, dedicated to all the servicemen and -women who put themselves on the line for us so selflessly and honorably.

Then it was off to the tournament!
Okay. Let me tell you one thing. The Hollingsworths are not golfers. So we didn't golf. But we had a great time all the same! We stayed in at the clubhouse most of the day, had some lunch at the restaurant there, and just had a good time. Later the players came back in and we had dinner in the clubhouse. Awards were given out, and a check was presented to the Rubado family for the Charles Rubado Scholarship at FSC. This year's total amount given to the scholarship fund was over $4,000, nearly topping the first year's total.
The day began at the Annie Pfeiffer Chapel at Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Florida, where a memorial service was held in honor of Charlie. During the service, resident artist and co-founder of the American Ideals Foundation, Inc (Not For Profit) Greg Crumbly of Lakeland, who also works for the group who "put on" the service, presented Charlie's parents and Mary-Anne with an original work, a representation of Charlie's life.
We then heard the premier of a piece written for piano, by composer and co-founder of the American Ideals Foundation, Robert Moffa. The piece, titled "The Military Hero," also inspired by Charlie, was a "musical portrait" of Charlie's life, his call to duty, and his farewell.
Afterwards, there was a releasing of butterflies, the symbol of new birth.
Lots of pictures were taken once the service had concluded.
Mary-Anne took us to see the ROTC library dedicated in honory of Charlie. There we also saw the bench bought by the Zeta Sorority House in honor of Charlie.
Quit making me cry!!!!!
Glad to see it went well. I didn't realize Mary Ann was that pregnant. Looks like it's about time!
She's actually not due for another three months! Crazy!
But yes, it was a great day!
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